Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Well, sadly Sam passed away. I'm sure he'll be greatly missed. After seeing Sam, bad hair days don't get me down so much...


Thursday, November 17, 2005


All I can say is "it's about time!" Answer Me Jesus

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Vengeful Scorpio

Woman Scorned

Blogger spammed

But really, I'm a nice person. Ask anyone (that still speaks to me). I'm just one of those people that believes you should repay kindness 5 fold and repay mean people 50 fold. Hey, they started it.

I guess it all started in childhood. In kindergarten, my teacher was taking us through a fingerpainting exercise. As I was easily distracted, she not-so-gently redirected me. (This was the early 70's - they were not-so-gentle then) Annoyed, I rubbed my tiny hands in the multi-colored paint and got them good and gookie. Then I got up, stood in front of her sweetly and when she started to tell me to sit down, I dragged my fingerpainty hands down the front of her dress. Needless to say that did NOT make her happy and so began the long history of me bringing notes home from my various teachers. And an even longer history of being grounded.

(And yes kiddies - this was before being grounded meant sitting in your room on your computer, watching TV with your iPod on...)

When I was in fifth grade a neighbor girl ratted me out for something trivial and I got in a lot of trouble. The next day I waited for her at the park and proceeded to drag her by her feet through a field of - er - dog bombs. She ran home screaming and crying covered head-to-toe in "do do". When I walked in the door the phone was ringing, my mother laughed too hard to really ever ground me for that one.

At age 19 my roommate and I were leaving a club. He was jumped by skinheads and beat to a pulp. While I was in the hospital with him I made a phone call. A mysterious fire broke out in the skinhead house later that night.

A few years later I found out another roommate was stealing from me. Took my credit cards, had hawked my entire coin collection (with a pretty considerable amount at the time and started when I was about four) and was basically a pathological liar. I opened the door later in the evening that I found out, and invited two very nice policemen in to handcuff him and remove him to a nice jail cell nearby. You can be damned sure that I was a witness for the prosecution.

When I was 24, a boyfriend pissed me off by going to Florida for a trip and never returning (don't ask). Three years later he literally appeared on my workplace doorstep, asking me back. After rejecting him for weeks he started to date my friends. So, I took him back. Just long enough to plan a road trip to Pittsburgh, leave him at a rest stop, and return with another boyfriend.

I don't really need to go on do I?

Since the inception of this blog I have been receiving SPAM "comments". Oh yes, dear spammers, this makes me very mad. You won't like me when I get mad...

My idea? I'm considering having a program developed that will bog their systems down with so much SPAM it will shut down their servers. I'm sure one exists already but I just need to get my hands on it. It will find the Yahoo! blocked SPAM folders from every user and just keep sending it to them. Oh yeah. I really want this. Bad. I'm sure it's illegal, wrong or impossible but I REALLY want this.

But anyhow, you get the picture. Don't piss me off.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


This is great music for dancing (and drinking) at an all round great place to go (DC9). What is really cool is that not only do they post their playlists, they post an MP3 file of the evening that you can listen to and then find it on iTunes.

Liberation Dance Party :: DC's party for new music

All places should be this cool...

Monday, November 07, 2005


Every year we host our Annual Tiki Party. This year's photo album is finally up. Aloha!
Tiki Party 2005

Sunday, November 06, 2005


As you can tell we had a REALLY good time. Thanks to all of you who helped me celebrate!
Jamie's 40th B-Day Bash

And, from the looks of it - Anhtu had a REALLY good time as well! Thanks for sharing your photos!

Anhtu Lu's Photos - Jamie's bday bash


I absolutely love this picture...

Saturday, November 05, 2005


My wonderful boyfriend threw an amazing two-part party for my 40th birthday. Complete with friends, drinks, dancing and a Barbie Birthday cake - I had a fabulous time. Thank you to everyone who attended and made my evening wonderful. I personally hold you all responsible for the hangover I suffered the next day...

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I have had a horrible headache all day long...

Ask me why.

It's because I went to see Nine Inch Nails last night at the MCI Center and proceeded to shake my brain loose while in the process of paralyzing my neck. I seem to be one of "those people" that throw their head all around with the tempo of the music.

And if you take a moment to consider just how many of these events I've been to over the last say - 20 years - you will come to the conclusion that I most certainly have caused myself some severe brain damage, and a slight loss of hearing.

But, boy do I have a great time!!


Puck is a cat! Catster :: Puck

Pixie is on too! Catster :: Pixie

And one for Fluff! Catster :: Fluff

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


See our fabulous pictures from Halloween - courtesy of Chris Usher - we even made the Times!Halloween 2005 at Windsor Castle

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Perhaps I shouldn't feel that good about making small children burst into tears but then I think - hey, how many times have I been on an airplane with a small child screaming in my ear? Then I don't feel so bad. Is that wrong??

Let me explain.

Last night was Halloween and as I consider it a "National Fuckin' Holiday" I like to celebrate in style. Friends of ours do a "haunted house" type of trick or treat event and this year we participated in the pandemonium.

Their house sits on a corner lot and has a set of wide stairs that open up onto a large, covered porch on the left. The yard was hauntingly decorated by a series of tombstones some true - Peter Jennings - some only wishes - Paris Hilton (OK - perhaps just my dream...) but you get the picture. The yard also contained a corpse wearing saddle shoes (a 1950's cheerleader?)

The steps leading up to the house had a black coffin (complete with live body). When you got to the top of the steps you were greeted by bloody smears and spider webs, creepy music and black lights. Off to the right was a rocking chair (with live "corpse") sitting next to the candy cauldron which contained a mechanical hand that was sound activated. On the floor was yet another corpse and a dark shrouded figure (my friend Adrienne).

To add to the ambiance - like we needed an addition - was a fog machine, two dry ice tubs also generating fog of sorts, and various other live, yet gruesome creatures directing you towards candy or in some cases just reaching out towards you. Oh - and don't let me forget the knocking under the porch boards or the person standing in the window behind the candy cauldron screaming "just take the candy!" as a small child stretched their hand into the cauldron's darkness.

Well let me tell you...children screamed, adults screamed, dogs screamed - er - barked - it was a blast. However, don't get the impression we were totally heartless. We were very nice and quiet to small children and I often came down from the porch to wish them a "Happy Halloween" and give them a few sugary sweets (if only to torture their parents later).

Hundreds of children came by and - yes - five or six actually burst into tears in front of the house. Another five or six once they made it to the porch. We even saw more than one family pass us by completely while ushering their children along swiftly. We were reprimanded by one parent because his daughter began to cry. Of course I'm thinking - hey - it's not like you didn't know this was going on! His children probably even have a Playstation and a direct link to FX courtesy of good ole "protective" dad.

Nonetheless, a very large majority of the kids just had a great time getting the crap scared out of them. And I had a great time scaring the crap out of them. All in all a successful evening.

We had one boy in particular, small framed, perhaps nine years old, that was impeccably dressed like Louis Farrakhan in a three piece suit and bow tie. After the urging of his older brother who had made it through our haunted maze, he came up the steps (I was at the top) and began to negotiate with me. Yes, you read that correctly - negotiate.

His two minute speech to me went something like this:

him: "Now you gotta tell them not to scare me...I can't be scared...I just had a heart attack [gesturing to the coffin below]...I got disabilities!"

Now, I didn't get the kid's name but I'm thinking - that boy has got to go into politics!

He proceeded to negotiate his way across the rest of the porch - telling the "corpses", the cobwebs and the cauldron this fact until he plunged his arm into the cauldron and emerged victorious. I don't think he screamed but walked very quickly and as I like to say "tight cheeked" back off of the porch to continue on his way.

Yep - THAT boy is our future President.

Ahhhh...I LOVE Halloween!!