Thursday, June 07, 2012


It’s been a LONG time since I have participated in a yard sale. Very long. I had one this past weekend and now I remember why it has been so long.

Here are the type of people I saw during the day:

The Rude Early Bird:  Our sale was from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. We had people start arriving about 7:45 am while we were setting up. Now I’m a nice person (or at least I try to be) but when I am operating on four hours of sleep and I’m forced to get up prior to 6:00 am, I get cranky. At first I tried to politely tell people that we weren’t selling until 9:00. Then I ignored them. Then I started yelling at people to go away. 

OK, so maybe early morning customer service is not my forte.

Cheap Charlie:  It’s a yard sale, I get it. People are looking for a bargain. But seriously, when I put a price on something that says $4 (that is worth more than $50) and then you try to negotiate that price, it pisses me off. I don’t budge. Go ahead leave, then drive around the block and come back and pay $4 for it. Because I still didn’t budge. And now you just wasted your gas, and your time. 

And I get my $4.

The Secret Shopper:  Apparently some people think that they are special. That perhaps I am hiding a secret stash of special items that you have to give me a secret password to have revealed to you. 

“Do you have any slippers for sale?”

“Do you have any shoes for sale?”

“Do you have any jewelry for sale?”

“Do you have anything else inside?”

Um, no. The three tables and the clothing rack in the driveway sum it up. That’s all I have. If it is still in my house that PROBABLY means I intend to keep it or you can’t afford it.

Drive-by Browser:  Some shoppers have eagle eyes and drive by slowly to observe what you have. I kept listening for gun shots certain it was gangbangers claiming my block for their territory. And, lord protect those innocent folks just crossing the streets as those people are just swerving around willy nilly trying to scope out your stuff. 

However, should I use that tactic during the next Nordstrom Anniversary Sale I may save myself a TON of money!

So, complaints aside, we actually made a nice chunk of change from the ordeal. Perhaps I will look around for more items to sell…

Hey honey, are you going to use that??


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