Thursday, March 22, 2012


These are ten things that should piss you off, not comprehensive and in no particular order:
  1. The fatal shooting of an unarmed Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman. But more irritating is the lack of action by the state in investigating the incident. You should be ashamed of yourself Florida!
  2. Companies who ask applicants for their Facebook passwords. Really? So… Years ago prior to FB you were driving by my house to check out my yard? I don’t think so. Stop snooping into my private life.
  3. The endless attacks on women’s reproductive rights by well, everyone, but specifically the Republican Party. I have an idea, why don’t you campaign about really important issues like, oh I don’t know, low employment, high gas prices or the economy? Or all of those endless wars?!? My vagina and I hate you right now and we won’t be voting for any of you.
  4. And while I’m at it, the Republican Party. To be honest I’m a Centrist/Independent and can go either way in an election but not this year. I think the Republican’s turned over every rock they could to find some CRAZY person to run for office. Seriously, they are all off-their-rocker nuts. They are attacking women, being wishy-washy on the economy, protecting the rich/attacking the poor and, did I mention? One of them drove cross country with their family DOG tied to the roof of their car. Really? Is that demonstrative of good decision making? Idiots, the lot of them…
  5. The wars we are fighting in the Middle East. Yes, you can give me a dozen reasons why we should be in Iraq or Afghanistan but if I were in charge of the military I would send our troops to Mexico and Sudan. Why? Mexican drug cartels have raped/killed 47,515 people in the past six years and those numbers keep rising. (Oh, and 10% of our oil imports come from Mexico – does that help?) And in Darfur (Sudan) the genocide of African farmers is at the rate of 100 a day! Those that aren’t being killed by a government-supported militia are being displaced from their homes, suffering in poverty and dying of starvation. So, let’s lend some military support to those that are REALLY in need.
  6. Pet Overpopulation and Euthanasia. Three to four million animals a year are euthanized in shelters. Many of those pets were once loved owner-relinquishments or the result of an unaltered pet who (oh my God, who knew THAT would happen) got pregnant. Spay and neuter people. Spay and neuter. Oh, and while I’m on the subject – STOP giving up your pets because SOMETHING came up! You made a commitment, stick to it.
  7. And while I’m on the subject, Bully Dog Discrimination. I can’t pinpoint the exact date but sometime in the past 10 years, Pit Bulls and other “Bully” dogs and mixes have been targeted for extinction. PETA (don’t get me started on them) actually supports legislation and thinks that the best way to “protect” the breed is to get rid of all of them. Local and state jurisdictions are enacting laws that require euthanization of all Pit Bull and Pit Bull mixes to enter shelters. Since so many animals are misclassified, this effects all “Bully” breeds. Aggression tests show, Daschunds to be the most aggressive. Pit Bulls not only rank much further down the list, they make AWESOME pets.
  8. The Gay Marriage (or more specifically, that lack of support for gay marriage) Battle. Simply said, Gay Marriage is NOT a political issue. I don’t want my tax dollars going to fund ANY politician who is spending time debating this issue. Why don’t you spend time fixing important POLITICAL/GOVERNMENT issues (See #3) and leave the gays alone? People should have the CHOICE to marry which ever consenting adult they wish. It is none of your business. If you do not want to marry someone of the same sex, don’t. But for the love of all that is holy, please spend your time fixing that which needs to be fixed and that does not include the gays (or my uterus.)
  9. The TSA and all of their stupid rules. Need I say more?
  10. Media attention paid to celebrities. There are real issues going on in the world (some mentioned above) yet the media insists on focusing on celebrities – marriages and their subsequent divorces, births, mental break-downs and arrests. I am personally embarrassed that I know so much about the Kardashians as I don’t even try! I don’t watch their show or follow their tweets yet somehow I know everything about them. That is relatively disturbing to me. I’m going to have to fashion a tin-foil hat that blacks out all information “celebrity”. Come one media – don’t tell me there isn’t any REAL news out there!
So what’s pissing you off?


Blogger rob said...

Might just be coincidence but there is a case on TV as I type this about a Pitt Bull attack. I'd like to subscribe that all dogs are born good. As far as the Shooting in Florida, I agree it's been incredibly sad, tragic, and inexcusable. The authorities dropped the ball before during and after this incident. It's also sad that many folks are calling this a case of racism and in turn are alienating some of the people who's hearts also ache. The lawyer representing the family should be replaced. He seems incredibly underqualified to help when the family needs him the most.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Devil kitty said...

Thanks for you comments Rob! Pit Bull attacks make the news because our media focuses on it. As a kid I was attacked by a neighbor's dog (not a pit bull, a German shepherd) and received 40 stitches in my head. Didn't make the news because media was not focused on it. Dogs bite people every day (don't get me wrong, I love dogs) but the media focuses on reporting pit bull attacks. Doesn't mean a breed should be exterminated. As for FL, so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to start. Very sad...

5:00 PM  
Anonymous Sarah said...

Yes yes yes! All those things are driving me crazy! Also inspectors demanding that bleach be poured onto tons of perfectly good organic produce and meat - but pink slime and farm raised salmon are ok?

11:23 PM  
Blogger DevilKitty said...

How could I forget pink slime?!? Sarah - agreed!

4:07 PM  
Blogger HETTIE said...

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2:52 AM  
Blogger Jessyca Brown said...

Great points all! Just wandered onto your site, read three posts and feel like I know you. Living in LaLa land and having B and C actors as clients I'm with you on #10. I meet many people at the local CVS who were stars on Friday night TV in the '90s but now are not even followed by TMZ. And they like it that way. I usually give give the little universal chin raise, smile and go on. My gripe however is politicians who don't get anything done. There should be laws where if you don't pass meaningful laws in any given month, you don't get paid. Maybe there can be an interactive button on C-Span. Something has to give.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Professor Mungleton said...

Much of what you say is refreshing from an american. We're... less shouty about so much stuff, makes me think we should all stand up for what we believe in (or not, depending)

5:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey !!! Thanks for sharing very important information on this blog..
Great points

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3:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's interesting that you are p___ed off about Republicans (and a lot of Americans)not wanting women to murder their unborn babies but you are upset about euthanizing animals. Do you not see the absurdity here??

7:47 AM  

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