Years ago, back before my S.O., I dated a lot of guys. I had this knack for being able to find the diamond in the rough. I don't mean guys who were totally without merit, but guys who had all of the basics but needed just a little more refinement. Now, refinement in my world meant cutting the mohawk and teaching the guy in question about Commander Salamander instead of Goodwill for their cool clothes.
Looking back, I smile and take joy in the knowledge that there are a lot of guys out there making wonderful boyfriends or husbands because of what I taught them. (Ahem - THAT is not what I am talking about right now...)
Well, friends of mine took it a bit further. Seems they think I can't date EVERY guy in the city so they took it upon themselves to create a website that does what I used to do. (OK - not THAT either, but you get the idea.)
Be Better Guys: BBG - Home
Check it out. And please, direct it to the guy in your life. As I've mentioned, I'm taken.