Friday, August 12, 2011


Fridays are generally everyone's favorite day of the week. TGIF anyone? But Fridays are generally my least favorite day. Euthanasia day, the end of the road for unwanted pets of all kinds.

People show up at the shelter with all kinds of excuses:
My partner/spouse/roommate doesn't like them.
I lost my job and can't afford them anymore.
I had to move and the new place doesn't accept pets.
I'm allergic.
My child/spouse/paperboy is allergic.
They are old.
They aren't any fun anymore.
They aren't cute anymore.
I didn't realize my pet would have babies if they weren't spayed.
I don't have any time for them.
I thought I wanted a pet but realized that I am just a selfless jerk.
They no longer have any meaning to me so I'm just going to discard them like the trash.

The excuses go on and on. And on. And I do not sympathize with these people.

They bring the pets to the shelters one by one and the shelter staff tries their best to get them adopted. They are listed online, and in papers. Featured on TV shows and the radio. Displayed at pet expos and special events.

But the shelters get overwhelmed. They don't have the funds. More pets come in. Less people take them out. And before you know it they are full to the brim.

And then Friday comes. And to make room for next week's unwanted pets, we have to put down this week's unwanted and discarded. Millions of animals a year. Tossed away. Killed. Trashed.

And THAT is why I dread Fridays.


Blogger Sue Lyn said...

Not very amusing, really.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

:-( That is very sad indeed. I think about the inevitability of one or both of my babies leaving us, and I can't imagine it. I cry just thinking about it. I could never willingly give them up.

2:06 PM  

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