Friday, August 26, 2005


We left our sad sad story off a few weeks ago. Needless to say, at this point, I have still NOT experienced the dull hum of the icemaker, nor the high gloss shine of the exterior of our new refrigerator. My new baby has been moved from warehouse to warehouse, has been taken to countless strangers homes and has ridden around in the back of a truck for weeks now.

But it his still not made it to it's new home - whose occupants are awaiting with open arms, empty glasses and melting ice cream.

Nope - not yet.

As of it's last arrival date (oh - and there have been many) I was called by our sweaty delivery guy and asked to meet him downstairs - our baby had arrived!!

I quickly created a path and dressed nice (so as to make a good first impression) and ran down the hall just in time to be told by our maintenance man that the elevator was...

Out. Of. Order.

So sadly I watched my refrigerator ride away on the truck in which it came, a small tear trickling down my cheek, as I waved bye bye with my sodden hanky.



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