Sadly, there comes a time in ones life when they have to realize that they just can't wear that anymore. Recently, that has happened to me. I'm not talking about gaining weight or something being out of style, but just: "As a self-respecting 40-yr old woman, I should not leave the house wearing this item."
You know - you've seen those women (and men) wearing something two sizes to small, two decades out of style or - er - two generations too young for them. Don't get me wrong - more power to the Madonna's of the world who feel comfortable leaving the house in just about anything. But, I do not make $20 M a year, I did not make a book about Sex! (or did I? It's all rather fuzzy now...) and I have to edit myself before walking out into public.
This skirt is one of those items. A real authentic "vintage" Lip Service skirt from about 1988. This skirt embraced everything about me - I was edgy, I was living life dangerously, I was punk rock and, I was a size 8.
I have put this skirt on eBay with the rest of my former life - short (SHORT!) skirts, big (BIG!) boots and a number of other memories. Memories of chance meetings of semi-famous musicians, memories of staying out until sunrise, memories of the myriads of interesting people that these items lead me to...
Aaaahhhh...if this skirt could talk, what a story it would tell.
And boy, could it!
Hopefully, some young eBay-er out there will write about it fondly with their own spectacular memories.
oh, the same thing is happening over here with your priends P & L; we've got enuf leather in boxes to start a cattle drive
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