Thursday, July 28, 2005


So, I assume you've been keeping up with (or have been bored to tears by) the birth of our baby birds.

Well the other night we had a terrible storm. Trees blowing, rain flowing and the hanging basket with our fine feathered friends, swinging.

As rivulets of water streamed down our windows I stood with my face pressed and fear in my eyes watching the basket wildly swing. Jon (my loving and supporting SO) gently reminded me that I was being a moron and to get the hell away from the window and make him a turkey pot pie. (OK - kidding about the turkey pot pie.) Nature would take care of itself.

Well, I'm happy to report that the granbabybirds are doing just fine and seemed to have weathered the storm. (No doubt due to my piling up of towels under the nest to break any unfortunate falls.)

I can't wait until they leave for college...


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